At Midwest Evaluation, we produce high quality documents that have a meaningful impact on your target audience. Evaluation results are only useful if they are understood and appreciated by the right audience. Current and potential funding sources, program staff, community leaders, project partners, governmental decision makers, service fields, and the general public are all valid targets of dissemination efforts, and each requires a different approach to achieve different goals. We have a particular talent for making research and evaluation issues and information understandable by audiences of all types.
With experience in the research, programming, and policy arenas, we are able to craft documents that meet multiple needs, including:
- Required evaluation reports for funding sources
- Internal evaluation reports for program improvement
- Annual program reports for public dissemination
- Policy or white papers to influence decision makers
- Research briefs for partners and grantees
- Technical reports that establish program parameters
- Presentation materials for use by clients
- Peer-reviewed journal articles to document the evidence-base of projects