Working With Us

Helping Organizations Grow

Midwest Evaluation has helped our clients secure funding from these various departments and programs:

  • Healthy Marriage Responsible Fatherhood 
  • Department of Justice
  • Community Foundation Funding
  • Office of Adolescent Health
  • Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
  • Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Midwest Evaluation has proudly served non-profit clients working in a wide range of topical areas including:

  • Fatherhood Programming
  • Community Foundations
  • Healthy Marriage and Relationship Programming
  • Youth Primary Prevention Programming
  • Services to the Homeless
  • Child Welfare
  • Self-Help and Consumer Survivors
  • Health Services Research
  • Safety Net Service Providers

Midwest Evaluation also offers a variety of other evaluation services involving industrial/organizational psychology. We have conducted cultural assessments of clients and provided feedback to improve culture and create a more efficient work environment.

Customer Satisfaction

At Midwest Evaluation, we are interested in nurturing deep and lasting client relationships that are developed over time rather than short-term, profit-driven interactions, which is why we are selective about the client-partners with whom we work. Below is a list of clients we currently work with and refer funding opportunities:

We invite you to contact Midwest Evaluation to explore how we might work together to best support your organization.